27 April 2011

Hospital: First round over

Doc called me up to head into the hospital yesterday. Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this.  Drove into the Regional hospital in Galway.  No fixed appointment time so i was lucky on that scenario as parking was a nightmare. The car park was full and when one car left then one was entered. Took up to 40 minutes before i got to enter the car park.

Great having volunteers on the premises and Mary the volunteer brought be straight to the medical checkup unit. Took a seat around and gave out my basic details. Then i was brought down to a bed where the nurse did some tests. Tests would return in a few hours and that's how long i would have to wait. In the mean time the doctor would come over and ask a few more questions and do some more tests. Had a book to keep myself occupied.

Well who would know the results would come back normal. Apparently being on steroids is just hiding the situation so therefore will have to do it all over again. So got to stay off the tablets and head back on the 11th where I should be in pain rather then feeling 100 %.  Did another test for Haemochromatosis. It runs as a carrier in the family so getting it tested anyway. Apparently they don't do the tests in Ireland and it gets sent to England. It costs up to a few hundred euros so I told them to put them to put in on the card.

Didn't do a chest x-ray which is what i thought i was going in for. She said around 6 that there is only one person doing x-rays that night and i be there for another 4-5 hours. She said since I'm coming back again that the chest x-ray will be done on that day.

Well so 2 weeks before i go back. Going to go off all tablets so the pain will return. its going to be tough. Really annoying feeling great at the moment but steroids can do that.

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