Well over the past few months I was fairly sick and didn't manage to get out and about much. It all started back in February and i shoved it off for a week saying it would pass. It did not so I went to the doctor and it looked and felt like the flu so basic tablets were provided. They kicked in for a little while and i managed to do my duathlon race. I was feeling good at that time but 3 days later and i was back to square one. I returned to the doctors and he provided me with stronger antibiotics ans steroids and they kicked in straight away and i though nothing more of my little upset. Well a week after taking the medicine, he came right back and even worse this time. I returned to my favourite friend 'the doctor' and this time we went to get blood tests done.
I did not take any medicine while waiting for the results to come back. it was a tough week let me tell ya that. An eighty year would out walk me and a kid would lift more then me. All but one section returned normal in the tests. The one part was showing a high level of inflammation. He said there is a possibility that i have reactive Arthritis. Just hearing that word 'arthritis' was putting shivers down my spine, well that could be arthritis putting the shivers down there. He said reactive arthritis can last in the body for 6 weeks and may not reoccur.. Also stated in this
medical article
I was recently just prescribed
Prednisolone ((6 * 5mg daily) * 7 days). This steroid prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. After taking it by one hour yesterday i noticed the pain easing off and I was getting back to myself. It felt great. The road does not end here, Like the previous tablets before, they can just last the course and the pain will gradually return. I really hope it does this time and we will have no more to say on this subject.
In reading up on reactive arthritis last night, i found cases where people could not move at all and remained bed ridden for up to 3 months, I only ever had one night where i couldn't move and needed help.
There is not much medical history done in the case of preventing reactive arthritis. Reactive arthritis occurs when there is conflict between your immune system and the infection often results in ‘debris’such as chemicals and bits of dead germs which are the fallout from this. Some of this debris may spread into the bloodstream where it travels to other areas of the body. If this debris accesses a joint such as the knee joint then it causes inflammation in that joint.
I only started looking up articles last night but none have came up with ways of preventing with it but only to use anti-inflammatories to deal with it.
On a final note, the doctor said if the pain still persists after I finish my prescribed medicine I should return where more blood tests will be carried out. Then from there it probably be to hospital to see a specialist who works in that area.
As you guessed I am not to upbeat at the moment, To much is hanging in the balance. All i even wanted was to build up a bit of distance in running and cycling. Any attempts i have made so far i have being knocked right back to square one. Time is only thing that can tell.
Articles on Reactive Arthritis
Online Forum Discussions
If you got any other sites that provides information on this topic, please send them in through the comment box.
On a final note, how weird this pain is, I walk in to the doctors the last day and the pain was in my right leg so I was fairly limping on the way in, it took awhile to be called and on the way out, I was now limping on the left leg, The change in pain happened so quick i didn't even realise it. God give me strength.