Great race, Galway 10km Sunday 17th June 1:30pm
The heat blasted down from the sky and all looked up before the race started. My friends Stephen and Noreen were joining me for the race. Noreen only registered a few days before hand and Stephen was registering on the day. We arrived early as there was only limited entries on the day. The best part was that both of them got the t-shirt even though there was a cut of registration date with t-shirt.
With good time to wait before the horn sounds, we did some warm ups then there was some commentary coming out over the public speakers. We took to the race stand and the kids 1km race was on. There was great support with even Dads running the course beside them encouraging them on.
We did our final checks and went down the start which was half way around the course. I had drank plenty of water but still felt a bit dehydrated. Stephen was taking to the front to get a good start where he will challenge for his sub:40. He came so close in Ardrahan the previous month with a time of 40:03.
Noreen and myself was planning on doing it together. Nice crowd turned up. Maybe 300. We took off in a nice pace and it was flat and then slight decent for the first few kms. Then we took a turn and it was a increase for the next few kms. At km four, there was a person out filling cups of water, myself and Noreen looked so excited to see a water station but we didn't stop. There was a little queue and kids filling the drinks. We passed the station but half kilometer down, we were basically gasping for water. I was beginning to wonder did we make a mistake on not taking a drink but then as we took the turn, WATER. Full bottle of water, I couldn't hold my breath by this stage to down the drink so shoved it to my face and what went in be great. Put some down my back to cool me down. Still running on the slight accent, we then looked to our left. Turn off from Tuam road is a hill, maybe 200 to 250meters in length. I looked up but quickly looked down. Did get nearly all the way up but Noreen and I stopped. Noreen was walking fast and this is where we separated. She took off again but I needed a few more seconds and said catch back up to me. It was nice after that hill. I focused on catching back up to Noreen and I was getting so close. I hadn't run this distance in a long time and I was feeling every bit of it in the scorching heat. I was back up to 10meters just before the 8km marker. I stopped and walked some more, maybe for 30seconds. I knew catching back up to Noreen was off the cards but my goal was to complete the 10km under 1hr. Looking at the time at the 8km marker and I knew I was on for it. All i had to do was keep ticking over and not stop. I had made up enough time so I didn't have to push, just get to the line. Final 2km was around the racecourse, it did feel like a long 2km but I the finish line was big and bright. I crossed the line. I seen this mat on the ground, so many already finished over the line but this mat just looked like it was put there for me. A women gave me a bottle of water and there I fell, heart beating hard, I fell to the mat. I achieved my goal and reaching a time of 58:10 (official time just in as I write this)
Noreen kept up her pace and came in with an official time of 56:34. Then there is Stephen, he cracked it by coming in with a time of 39:24. He finished in 13th place overall.
The whole event was well organised. I didn't get my face painted at the end but there was that option. Ok that was for the kids. Plenty of refreshments, With the start and finish in the the racecourse. There was plenty of parking, No queueing for toilets and plenty of sitting down areas. Everything organised exceptionally well. There was great advertisement in promoting this race. Since this was its first year, if it becomes a regular occurrence, I can see the numbers rising. Maybe if the Galway mini marathon on the following week, it might have dropped a few runners.
Overall, great day out. :)
17 June 2012
23 March 2012
Some Ups & some Downs
St. Patricks day was a day of celebration. I never would plan a race a day after it and I didn't. My friends did though so when I woke up the following day without a hangover, I decided to go and give my support.
Craughwell day, so many people entered. I do think the numbers were down from the previous year. These people have held off there celebrations for the following day. Making things worse on not having a few beverages on Paddy's day was watching that disgrace of an Ireland rugby match. This day though, March the 18th, God shined down from the heavens and gave such a beautiful days weather with a little breeze. We haven't seen weather like that in ages and you could see the joy in the peoples face as they all got ready to start there 10mile journey.
Three friends were taking part. Brendan be a long distance runner who completed a marathon last year. Stephen competes mostly in triathlons with focus on 10km runs and long cycles. Stephen did complete a half marathon in Achill last year and also did the Craughwell 10 aswell. One thing we knew, there would be a private battle going on even though not one of them said anything or even imply it of asked.
Paul then, my old foe decided to take part. His aim was to finish under 1:40. Well he said his first aim was to complete the 10mile. Talking before the race, small bit of nerves were setting in but this is totally normal. little questions come into the head such as 'Have i done enough training?'. I said I also get nerves but they will go away with the first few strides of the race. As for preparation, we did a duathlon flat out for 1h 30mins three weeks beforehand so your ready.
So honestly, I had Brendan down to come in first but Stephen came around the turn first and just over a minutes then was Brendan. Both lads said they went out very fast at the start and both were paying the price at the end. Brendan said Steve was 50meters in front on mile 7. The lads got the tea and some great food supplied by the athletics club. Home baked tastes that much better when there is pride gone into the baking. Then we turned our attention to when Paul was going to come in. Brendan said it be around 1:40 so the lads looked to take a sit on the path. The didn't have long to make an imprint as I gazed twice to see Paul had took the turn. Got the camera out and got the picture taken. Chip time came to 1:34:04. First thing that came to my head was a great time that was, second part was how the heck am i going to beat him in the next running race. I will figure something out. Slip a laxative into his drink maybe.
So I was all set for doing some workouts this week. Keep the good training up but down with a chesty cough with a sore throat. a visit to the doctor today to get me some antibiotics. That's my story now. Just waiting for some energy to come back and start back on some easy runs.
On other news front. Galway 5km series starting in May. I managed to enter. Lots of hustle and bustle to enter as only a short amount of entries. Managed to enter 38mins after it opened online on runierland. Site crashed a few times. It was sold out by 1hour later. I say if the site could handle the traffic. It be sold out in minutes. Limited to 600 I think. So May series here I come. Never entered a 5km race before but now I have 6 coming up. I think i would like my time to be in the low 25mins but for now, I just look to get back out on the road and the hit the ground, RUNNING
Craughwell 10 mile,
galway 5k,
Hit the Ground Running,
05 March 2012
Run down of last week
So after the Carraroe race. Took Sunday off as I was still full of toxic from the night before.
Monday came and I went out for a cycle. Nice 30km cycle. No pushing. Just turning the pedals. Tuesday followed with a night time run. Running crowd were out in force in town. Soles of the feet were sore starting off but a nice 6.5km was completed and happy to have that done. No one would say a simple 'hello' or 'hi' when passing out other runners. If I say 'hi' then they will say hi. Maybe because there is so many runners out that I would spend more time saying 'Hi' then focusing on what I should be doing.
I enjoy seeing runners out. It shows i'm not the only one at this. When i run in the countryside, there is no people to be seen apart from the occasional walker. Here I set my targets. I see a runner in front and will try to catch them. Haven't got to the part where I catch them yet. Well I caught a few girls but there were coming to the end of there session where I was just starting off.
Wednesday then and I decided to hit 40km in the cycle. No serious pushing today either. Just keeping the distance up. It wasn't a laid back cycle either. Wind was full force in my face from Craughwell to Loughrea. Would like to say I am getting used to this crazy wind but no.
Was going to stay in on Thursday but said, Its a fine night out. Cold but nothing a extra layer of clothes and few minutes running wouldn't sort out. Not sure of the distances. Pushed harder in the running on Tuesday then Thursday but did an 8km run. Fellow runners were out. When running past there meet up area, you would think they have the courtesy to stand in so I could get through. I won't speak for all of them but one individual just walked across in front of me even though she saw me. You would understand why a non-runner may do that but a runner doing that to another runner. I just don't know. When I am out running on the footpaths. I will stay in close enough to the wall in case any runner is passing me out. One main good thing i seen is that all hi-viz vests are on show there.
Took some good R&R Friday and was ready for a big Saturday session. Weather was just breaking and the sun was shining. Started of the cycle through the town. This is the first instance in where I need to change my attitude. Thinking about that part of the cycle now. I was cycling through the back street. hitting maybe 37km. This is the first problem. Even though going through the town will probably be the flattest and most smoothest part of the cycle. it is not for speeding. A car pulled out in front of me and caused me to swerve. My hands turned Italian, while my mouth was foul. I looked up and seen it was an old woman driving. She didn't even look right when coming out from the turn. A bystander didn't even see what happened but heard me. He said it was an old woman. I said she pulled out infront of me. He said again It was an old woman, I just said Fuck off. Wish i said 'im a healthy young lad who doesn't like coming inches to inserting my head through the back window. What I learned from this is to slow down through a built up area as to expect the unexpected. The argument old woman though. I look at this if she is not able to look to the right then she is a hazard to the road and should be put off it. Ahh.. thats a debate for another day.
The cycle continued. I used all my rage from that incident. pushing up a few hills averaging over 30km. off the bike. Told myself Im gone out to hard now but couldn't seem to stop myself. Anyways was going to put that to a stop anyway. 13km into the cycle after I pushed up over 'The hill' and down I flew reaching speed of 50km. Then I heard the thump. thump. thump. The head dropped. Back wheel puncture. Still not fast in replacing tubes so took my time at it. Got the wheel off. changed tubes. pumped up tube. All going to plan then when I took off the pump. the tip of the presta valve came off with it and got stuck in the pump. Hearing the air flow of the tyre for the second time. Head dropped even more. Couldn't get the tip out of the pump. tried opening it, few smacks. nothing. Rang Steve, I was in his country area where his home house is based. As i was talking with him, I looked at the pump and the tip must of fell out. Great stuff. 2nd tube on, pump up. Struggled with trying to get the wheel back on to the bike but managed to get it in. Don't ask me about time it took to replace but long time. I decided with no spares left, i hit back home. Any hill or increment on the way back. I be off my seat for it. Went back through kilnadeema. Overall around 28km.
Sunday session, Went out around 12. Started off cold but the sun started beaming down the heat. I just took off and focused on building up distance again. I knew this be over 10km. First 5km I was behind time by 2minutes but not to bothered. Kept a good stride and passed the 10km mark around 58:30. Kept on going and finished 11.63km in 1:07:23. That is under 6min a km so I am always happy with that part. Finished Sunday with some worthy pints watching Ireland play France.
All in all. a well 126km knocked up this week. Roughly 26km running with 100km in cycling. Couldn't ask for more.
Monday came and I went out for a cycle. Nice 30km cycle. No pushing. Just turning the pedals. Tuesday followed with a night time run. Running crowd were out in force in town. Soles of the feet were sore starting off but a nice 6.5km was completed and happy to have that done. No one would say a simple 'hello' or 'hi' when passing out other runners. If I say 'hi' then they will say hi. Maybe because there is so many runners out that I would spend more time saying 'Hi' then focusing on what I should be doing.
I enjoy seeing runners out. It shows i'm not the only one at this. When i run in the countryside, there is no people to be seen apart from the occasional walker. Here I set my targets. I see a runner in front and will try to catch them. Haven't got to the part where I catch them yet. Well I caught a few girls but there were coming to the end of there session where I was just starting off.
Wednesday then and I decided to hit 40km in the cycle. No serious pushing today either. Just keeping the distance up. It wasn't a laid back cycle either. Wind was full force in my face from Craughwell to Loughrea. Would like to say I am getting used to this crazy wind but no.
Was going to stay in on Thursday but said, Its a fine night out. Cold but nothing a extra layer of clothes and few minutes running wouldn't sort out. Not sure of the distances. Pushed harder in the running on Tuesday then Thursday but did an 8km run. Fellow runners were out. When running past there meet up area, you would think they have the courtesy to stand in so I could get through. I won't speak for all of them but one individual just walked across in front of me even though she saw me. You would understand why a non-runner may do that but a runner doing that to another runner. I just don't know. When I am out running on the footpaths. I will stay in close enough to the wall in case any runner is passing me out. One main good thing i seen is that all hi-viz vests are on show there.
Took some good R&R Friday and was ready for a big Saturday session. Weather was just breaking and the sun was shining. Started of the cycle through the town. This is the first instance in where I need to change my attitude. Thinking about that part of the cycle now. I was cycling through the back street. hitting maybe 37km. This is the first problem. Even though going through the town will probably be the flattest and most smoothest part of the cycle. it is not for speeding. A car pulled out in front of me and caused me to swerve. My hands turned Italian, while my mouth was foul. I looked up and seen it was an old woman driving. She didn't even look right when coming out from the turn. A bystander didn't even see what happened but heard me. He said it was an old woman. I said she pulled out infront of me. He said again It was an old woman, I just said Fuck off. Wish i said 'im a healthy young lad who doesn't like coming inches to inserting my head through the back window. What I learned from this is to slow down through a built up area as to expect the unexpected. The argument old woman though. I look at this if she is not able to look to the right then she is a hazard to the road and should be put off it. Ahh.. thats a debate for another day.
The cycle continued. I used all my rage from that incident. pushing up a few hills averaging over 30km. off the bike. Told myself Im gone out to hard now but couldn't seem to stop myself. Anyways was going to put that to a stop anyway. 13km into the cycle after I pushed up over 'The hill' and down I flew reaching speed of 50km. Then I heard the thump. thump. thump. The head dropped. Back wheel puncture. Still not fast in replacing tubes so took my time at it. Got the wheel off. changed tubes. pumped up tube. All going to plan then when I took off the pump. the tip of the presta valve came off with it and got stuck in the pump. Hearing the air flow of the tyre for the second time. Head dropped even more. Couldn't get the tip out of the pump. tried opening it, few smacks. nothing. Rang Steve, I was in his country area where his home house is based. As i was talking with him, I looked at the pump and the tip must of fell out. Great stuff. 2nd tube on, pump up. Struggled with trying to get the wheel back on to the bike but managed to get it in. Don't ask me about time it took to replace but long time. I decided with no spares left, i hit back home. Any hill or increment on the way back. I be off my seat for it. Went back through kilnadeema. Overall around 28km.
Sunday session, Went out around 12. Started off cold but the sun started beaming down the heat. I just took off and focused on building up distance again. I knew this be over 10km. First 5km I was behind time by 2minutes but not to bothered. Kept a good stride and passed the 10km mark around 58:30. Kept on going and finished 11.63km in 1:07:23. That is under 6min a km so I am always happy with that part. Finished Sunday with some worthy pints watching Ireland play France.
All in all. a well 126km knocked up this week. Roughly 26km running with 100km in cycling. Couldn't ask for more.
29 February 2012
An CheathrĂș Rua Race Report (Race 2)
This is a long race report and is well worth a few minutes to understand the battle between my friend Paul and I. Paul won the first battle last year by under a minute. Last years race report can be found here. This year it could be even tighter. The race took place Sat 25th February @ 3pm in Carraroe.
We arrived in Carraroe around 2:10. Based on last years event, we were expecting a small enough crowd but this year doubled in the numbers. Queued for registration where the panic and nerves began to set in. Time began to fly by, a rush was in order where I started to get my bike ready and putting it on the rack. I guess the event organisers were not expecting the crowd as there was no space to put my bike. Some shuffling and moving was done to cater for more bikes. Final 10mins before we set off, I am still in jeans. Rush back to the car, change and then gave the keys to Sarah with little time to spare.
Paul Fahy, Paul Mc Donagh, Stephen Broderick |
We lined up, little bit of shoving going on for people trying to get nearest to the start line. I was happy in the middle. Stephen started up front and that would be the last time I would see Steve throughout the race, I wish I could say the same for Paul. I went out fast pace for my standard and just kept saying to myself "Push hard, Its a race" based on previous runs, i knew that Paul was way stronger running up the hills so I said if I get up this Cat5 hill I will have the lead into the transition as it was 1km of downhill running. Pain was setting in, the bugger of a stitch was locking up my right side. Began breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I didn't relent on my pace as I said it would go away on the bike.
In the transition, time was over 17mins, pretty darn impressed with that time. I was fumbling with my helmet. Took me about 3 times to click it in but the shoes went in fast. Paul was in the transition area too. I thought I would have been out before he was in but he was also up for this race. Trying to get to the area before you're allowed to mount the bike was awkward with the cleats on the feet.
I thought i had a good minute lead in the cycle but after about a km or so, Paul came up on my right and overtook me. It looked like he passed me with such ease. I was confused by this and I told myself I am not letting this fellow out of my sights so I told myself again "Push hard, Its a race" We began overtaking more cyclists. I never really had this experience apart from 3 or 4 cyclists in last years duathlon where those people were on mountain bikes. This time around we were overtaking cyclists. On the first turn we were only inches apart. too close maybe but I was going for the dramatic effect. After 2km on that stretch then I overtook him again. I thought I had broke him and I was away. Gears were on high, off the seat. push push push. No looking back focusing on the front looking to see where the village is so we could do the lap all again. In my rushing in setup, I did put on my speedometer but its wasn't aligned up so no reading. My watch changed over to something else so didn't know the time either. I felt I was going fast and up in my previous time and I am in the lead against Paul. In the final kilometer on the first loop, Paul overtook me leading back into the village.
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Mc on Attack |
5 cyclists were coming in to turn together. Paul lead it out with me trying to catch him again wondering what do I have to do to drop him. Stitch on the right side never let up and pains came down along my left side. I said this stage is for pushing my legs and maybe the pain will let up on the final. Looked to take my energy gel but it travelled up my arm under my compression top. Didn't look to try and take it out so that was a stupid on my behalf. The second loop was similar to the first with Paul leading into the first turn. I then just decided to push hard again. Head down. The cyclists ahead were getting harder to catch. Motivation was on a high with passing other cyclists and the feeling I was making good time on this bike ride. Back into the village. I tried to pass out one other cyclists but he pushed harder at the end.
Transition came. This was well fast for me. In, bike left to the wall. helmet off, cycling shoes off and runners on and out. I say the transition was over a minute. I was just leaving the second transition when Paul was coming in.
The final run, I took my energy gel. Legs like jelly as expected but not this slow. I wanted to know why my legs wont pick up speed. Lack of energy came to mind. Energy gel needed time to kick in. I looked back to see Paul was just out of the transition area. I said If i keep at this speed I am going to lose. Runners were overtaking me again then Paul in his yellow top was less then 50meters behind me. My head began to drop a little. Cat5 hill came around again then Paul overtook me around half way on it. That's it I said, No way now. 10 meters gained on me. I came to a decision. Walk for 30 seconds. Drop the heartbeats and take off again. Them 30seconds became vital. I decided I could still see him. My legs have come around now just to catch him. I am not going to do the same thing as last year and loose just under a minute. Over the hill and I got a stride going. I could see I was catching him. Maybe 30meters ahead and then I pushed myself with some quick strides to about 10meters behind him. Settled back and finally caught up with him. With the final turn coming, I looked to get a good few meters lead but my little push didn't have any effect as he came right beside me. We were coming back into Carraroe together. I decided to go for a bit longer of a push with about half a km to go but he came back again. Side by side. Meters ticking down. I didn't know what he had left in the tank. I remember one day running around the lake he finished it in good long strides that I couldn't match. We were running side by side coming around the final bend and we could see the banner. He hadn't gone yet. I decided to make the first move. I said if he hasn't gone when we reach this point I would go. About 80meters maybe and I sprinted off. Arms swinging wild and thankfully my legs had the final sprint in me. A quick glance over my right shoulder and Paul was still there arm distance. Finish line in 10meters so a final push was needed and there I crossed that line first. Delighted, ecstatic and fecked. I didn't even look at the finishing time but Paul later told me 1:23mins.
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All over |
Results in and I finished in 1:23:31. This is just under 17 minutes improvement from last year. I know having a different lighter bike saves some time but i know most of that times saved was from pushing myself. I didn't bring my spare tubes or pump in the cycle. It was a 10.5km loop so my furthest point be only 5km to walk back to the village. It was a risk i took to shave a few Kgs but I know where the best place is to shave them.
Not to forgot about our other travelling companion Stephen. He crossed the line in a time of 1:09:14 finishing 22nd. He was happy with his overall performance. Got held up behind a car and a cyclist undertook him while he was overtaking another. It nearly caused him to touch wheels only for his quick reaction to pull back out. I sometimes got caught up in the moment of cycling and double overtaking that I forgot that it was an open road.
Great afterwards reception. Some coffee and cakes, buns, scones and more other delicious treats. Presentations were made. The winner was a 16yr old in a time of 1 hour. Looks to be a future star for Ireland. Tiredness was kicking in. A long drive back but there beers awaiting and that's when the next session started.
My girlfriend Sarah and Paul's girlfriend Danielle turned up to give there support to us. So a big shout out to them and for the photos taken. Great day. Great Race. WELCOME TO CONNEMARA
Results: Finished 70/111 in a time of 1:23:31. (Click here for full list)
Race pictures (Click here) and (More here from Sean Power)
A few pics I uploaded to my facebook blog page can be found here
A few pics I uploaded to my facebook blog page can be found here
17 February 2012
Tough week
Its just over a week to the Carraroe duathlon. Its fair to say its very competitive between myself and Paul as seen in many recent posts. All good competitiveness mind you. So this week Paul is off for the mid-term and instead of teaching, he is putting up the kilometers.
We decided to go for a cycle on Wednesday. He said maybe 20km, around the same distance as the duathlon but i said a little bit further. I planned a route that could either be 28km/33km/40km. so we decide how he felt since he has not being on a bike in months. He borrowed a Trek bike and we took off. One thing I noticed is that he has less revolutions in a high gear. He has being building up them muscles in the gym and it has paid off.
It is a pity i didn't time it, I would have to say we hit around 25km/hr. Wind was strong put we were pushing hard. We decided to push and do the 40km. He took to the bike like a duck to water. I thought i would have a little advantage there but it looks pretty even stevens.
So Thursday, a run was in order. I knew Paul had kept up the running over the xmas so I was expecting the worse. We decided the lake was in order and off we took. We set off on a fast pace (for us), strong headwind and light rain was the conditions. I pulled in behind him in the first couple of minutes. It was defiantly noticeable for me as I was breathing heavily. I knew i was going quicker then usual but I wanted to keep the tempo up. On the turn is the Bishops hill and we set up it. As i said from earlier,Paul's muscle workouts in the gym were paying off and I was losing ground on each stride to him. I was pushing myself downhill to catch up. Around 15mins in, i could feel a stitch coming on. Maybe this was no surprise but I hoped it would go away. We got to the church at 30mins. Great time and we were on for a good time around the lake only for the stitch got worse and I locked up. I had to walk for about 3mins. I let the pain settle down and took off again, there was still a small niggle there, It was starting up again then Paul told me, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. this worked like a treat. i usually find it hard to breath through my nose for a continuous length of time but I felt much better both for the stitch and my chesty asthma. We got to the 10km mark at 1:01. This was an amazing time especially as the time included the 3min walk. This time is even better then my Loughrea 2011 10km race result. We continued on for another 1km as the full lake loop is 11.16km. Total time was 1:07:30 (6:02 pace).
Along came today (Friday), weather was misty. it was originally planned to do a duathlon practice and see how we get on but that be fairly pushing it. So another cycle was planned, changes and planned again until we decided to do the same route again this time we will put a clock on it. 5km in to the spin and a spoke snapped in Pauls bike. I offered to turn back and maybe do a run instead but we motored on. Wind was in the face for the first 8km and the turn off then we had it to our backs. we pushed hard and into Loughrea via Craughwell. When we hit Loughrea, our average was 28.5km but we knew there was over 10km to go of full throttle wind in your face and by god did we feel it. We were taking long turns at the front the whole way through the ride. We pushed hard trying to keep our average up against the wind, every churn on the pedal was felt. I said to Paul on the final 2km to go ahead. I seen how that was mistaken as to go off ahead rather then carry me home. The spin was great when pushing yourself, muscles aching but doing your turn at the front.
So where do I stand now. I would have to say its fairly even stevens between us maybe Paul edging out a bit quicker. Main thing about these workouts is that I pushed myself hard and I am going to have to apply that to the race. You never know, it might come down to the final minute like last year. who knows.
We decided to go for a cycle on Wednesday. He said maybe 20km, around the same distance as the duathlon but i said a little bit further. I planned a route that could either be 28km/33km/40km. so we decide how he felt since he has not being on a bike in months. He borrowed a Trek bike and we took off. One thing I noticed is that he has less revolutions in a high gear. He has being building up them muscles in the gym and it has paid off.
It is a pity i didn't time it, I would have to say we hit around 25km/hr. Wind was strong put we were pushing hard. We decided to push and do the 40km. He took to the bike like a duck to water. I thought i would have a little advantage there but it looks pretty even stevens.
So Thursday, a run was in order. I knew Paul had kept up the running over the xmas so I was expecting the worse. We decided the lake was in order and off we took. We set off on a fast pace (for us), strong headwind and light rain was the conditions. I pulled in behind him in the first couple of minutes. It was defiantly noticeable for me as I was breathing heavily. I knew i was going quicker then usual but I wanted to keep the tempo up. On the turn is the Bishops hill and we set up it. As i said from earlier,Paul's muscle workouts in the gym were paying off and I was losing ground on each stride to him. I was pushing myself downhill to catch up. Around 15mins in, i could feel a stitch coming on. Maybe this was no surprise but I hoped it would go away. We got to the church at 30mins. Great time and we were on for a good time around the lake only for the stitch got worse and I locked up. I had to walk for about 3mins. I let the pain settle down and took off again, there was still a small niggle there, It was starting up again then Paul told me, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. this worked like a treat. i usually find it hard to breath through my nose for a continuous length of time but I felt much better both for the stitch and my chesty asthma. We got to the 10km mark at 1:01. This was an amazing time especially as the time included the 3min walk. This time is even better then my Loughrea 2011 10km race result. We continued on for another 1km as the full lake loop is 11.16km. Total time was 1:07:30 (6:02 pace).
Along came today (Friday), weather was misty. it was originally planned to do a duathlon practice and see how we get on but that be fairly pushing it. So another cycle was planned, changes and planned again until we decided to do the same route again this time we will put a clock on it. 5km in to the spin and a spoke snapped in Pauls bike. I offered to turn back and maybe do a run instead but we motored on. Wind was in the face for the first 8km and the turn off then we had it to our backs. we pushed hard and into Loughrea via Craughwell. When we hit Loughrea, our average was 28.5km but we knew there was over 10km to go of full throttle wind in your face and by god did we feel it. We were taking long turns at the front the whole way through the ride. We pushed hard trying to keep our average up against the wind, every churn on the pedal was felt. I said to Paul on the final 2km to go ahead. I seen how that was mistaken as to go off ahead rather then carry me home. The spin was great when pushing yourself, muscles aching but doing your turn at the front.
So where do I stand now. I would have to say its fairly even stevens between us maybe Paul edging out a bit quicker. Main thing about these workouts is that I pushed myself hard and I am going to have to apply that to the race. You never know, it might come down to the final minute like last year. who knows.
Got myself some lock laces. They arrived today. Might test them out tomorrow. Its being a tough week so not sure on the plan for tomorrow. Heading off to Tommy Tiernan sat night where I will enjoy some well deserved pints.
An CheathrĂș Rua,
Loughrea Grey Lake,
13 February 2012
Just a little update
Just look at the week in review.
Last Monday I took off just over 7km run. The run involved running uphill for about 12mins.. Nice workout for a Monday. The following day, I decided to do my longest cycle of this year. 52km might not seem alot to many cyclists out there but it was long enough for me. the cycle involved going up the mountain behind my house which includes two Cat5 climbs. the climbs were spaced out which allowed me to get my legs back. The legs were sore and tired so decided to rest them up the following day.
Thursday, Legs still feeling it from the cycle so a a handy run was selected and off I went. I put in 11km and was happy with the day itself. It was another long session which was taking its toll. I decided another day off and would do another good session on Saturday.
So i was re energized for Saturday. Was planning on getting up early, do a session and then head into town and watch the Man United versus Liverpool 12:45pm kick-off. So anyways, getting up late, I decided to miss the match and head out on my session. This involved a Run/Cycle/Run. a practice duathlon for the real thing coming up in a few weeks.
I started of on the 3.6km run, went out to hard and was like what did i get myself into. Negative thoughts were running through my head in will i be able to complete the carraroe duathlon in a few weeks. I slowed up and just focusing on finishing the distance. In the first transition, taking off runners, SLOW Changeover, over 2 mins. Felt good on the cycle, really great weather to be out in. Lost track in time. Didn't measure how long my cycle was, my focus was on finishing and that involved another run. Jelly legs to start off with, i enjoy that feeling for some reason. the next Km in, it was all getting tough but i knew I was close to finish, hoping in for a shower and have a major sports day.
So i finished up in 1:38. Happy completing it. I know its slow but I did it that's all that matters. I did the Carraroe duathlon last year in 1:40. This one involved a Cat5 climb in the run which was covered twice. The cycle is 22km so i think I be on for another 1hour and 40mins this year and will be happy to reach that target. I might be a bit disappointed not expecting to beat my old time out of the park but last year was a year to forget and this year I will be in good health.
So that Saturday. My sports that day. Gort lost the hurling, Liverpool lost the football. France versus Ireland was called off.. My day fairly dipped after my session..
I think all in all though it was a good week. 99km covered. 73km of that in cycling. 26 in running. Main aim this year is distance.
Last Monday I took off just over 7km run. The run involved running uphill for about 12mins.. Nice workout for a Monday. The following day, I decided to do my longest cycle of this year. 52km might not seem alot to many cyclists out there but it was long enough for me. the cycle involved going up the mountain behind my house which includes two Cat5 climbs. the climbs were spaced out which allowed me to get my legs back. The legs were sore and tired so decided to rest them up the following day.
Thursday, Legs still feeling it from the cycle so a a handy run was selected and off I went. I put in 11km and was happy with the day itself. It was another long session which was taking its toll. I decided another day off and would do another good session on Saturday.
So i was re energized for Saturday. Was planning on getting up early, do a session and then head into town and watch the Man United versus Liverpool 12:45pm kick-off. So anyways, getting up late, I decided to miss the match and head out on my session. This involved a Run/Cycle/Run. a practice duathlon for the real thing coming up in a few weeks.
I started of on the 3.6km run, went out to hard and was like what did i get myself into. Negative thoughts were running through my head in will i be able to complete the carraroe duathlon in a few weeks. I slowed up and just focusing on finishing the distance. In the first transition, taking off runners, SLOW Changeover, over 2 mins. Felt good on the cycle, really great weather to be out in. Lost track in time. Didn't measure how long my cycle was, my focus was on finishing and that involved another run. Jelly legs to start off with, i enjoy that feeling for some reason. the next Km in, it was all getting tough but i knew I was close to finish, hoping in for a shower and have a major sports day.
So i finished up in 1:38. Happy completing it. I know its slow but I did it that's all that matters. I did the Carraroe duathlon last year in 1:40. This one involved a Cat5 climb in the run which was covered twice. The cycle is 22km so i think I be on for another 1hour and 40mins this year and will be happy to reach that target. I might be a bit disappointed not expecting to beat my old time out of the park but last year was a year to forget and this year I will be in good health.
So that Saturday. My sports that day. Gort lost the hurling, Liverpool lost the football. France versus Ireland was called off.. My day fairly dipped after my session..
I think all in all though it was a good week. 99km covered. 73km of that in cycling. 26 in running. Main aim this year is distance.
02 February 2012
Well....Long time
Not sure were to start but i will rumble on.
First off, this is my post in 2012 and first post in a long time. It was 2 months of no training. (middle of November to middle of January). i came down with something causing my throat to close up. just started finding it hard to breath. My inhaler was in use alot over them months. I will point out that over some of them days I was feeling fine so laziness also played apart.
My last race was a disappointment for me. I was on record to breaking my 57.48min record for 10km and took the whole week of for tapering. Stomach was sore on race day and legs felt heavy causing me to cross the line over 1:02:26. So in a year, i got slower by 5mins is what i think but I need to say i wasn't feeling good and I had just one of those days. There was a positive to take from that day and that was my friend crossing the line in 59:08. As he passed me on the course that day. He was determined and he succeeded in passing the finish line under the hour mark. The Loughrea 10km was full of incidents on that very humid day. Two people collapsed I guessed due to exhaustion. My lips were so dry after 10mins so I suffered till I got to the half way mark. Then the winner Jorge Torres won't be calling back anytime soon with a vehicle ran over his foot causing it to break.
So today. 2 weeks back into it. Back cycling 40kms and did my longest run came yesterday with a 11.33km done in 1:12:43. Around 6:25pace. Very happy with that and very happy how quickly I am back in it. My aim of course is to get that under the 6min pace.
So to challenges. Last year in the AnCheathru duathlon, seeing myself and Paul battle it out coming down to under a minute to decide who should take bragging rights. I had the advantage in the running while Paul in the cycling. I now believe its the other way around this year where I got myself an entry level bike compared to my metal frame last year. Paul has being putting in the runs over the last few months so he is doing nicely and working out in the gym on the thighs will stand to him on the cycles. So i got a major challenge on my hands and will have to work hard to overcome this challenge.
An Chreathru duathlon is taking place on Saturday 25th at 3pm. so just in 3 weeks to build up a bit more, hard work needed.
First off, this is my post in 2012 and first post in a long time. It was 2 months of no training. (middle of November to middle of January). i came down with something causing my throat to close up. just started finding it hard to breath. My inhaler was in use alot over them months. I will point out that over some of them days I was feeling fine so laziness also played apart.
My last race was a disappointment for me. I was on record to breaking my 57.48min record for 10km and took the whole week of for tapering. Stomach was sore on race day and legs felt heavy causing me to cross the line over 1:02:26. So in a year, i got slower by 5mins is what i think but I need to say i wasn't feeling good and I had just one of those days. There was a positive to take from that day and that was my friend crossing the line in 59:08. As he passed me on the course that day. He was determined and he succeeded in passing the finish line under the hour mark. The Loughrea 10km was full of incidents on that very humid day. Two people collapsed I guessed due to exhaustion. My lips were so dry after 10mins so I suffered till I got to the half way mark. Then the winner Jorge Torres won't be calling back anytime soon with a vehicle ran over his foot causing it to break.
So today. 2 weeks back into it. Back cycling 40kms and did my longest run came yesterday with a 11.33km done in 1:12:43. Around 6:25pace. Very happy with that and very happy how quickly I am back in it. My aim of course is to get that under the 6min pace.
So to challenges. Last year in the AnCheathru duathlon, seeing myself and Paul battle it out coming down to under a minute to decide who should take bragging rights. I had the advantage in the running while Paul in the cycling. I now believe its the other way around this year where I got myself an entry level bike compared to my metal frame last year. Paul has being putting in the runs over the last few months so he is doing nicely and working out in the gym on the thighs will stand to him on the cycles. So i got a major challenge on my hands and will have to work hard to overcome this challenge.
An Chreathru duathlon is taking place on Saturday 25th at 3pm. so just in 3 weeks to build up a bit more, hard work needed.
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Paul Mc & Paul Fahy Loughrea 10km 2011 |
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